Fractal! started out as my own personal attempt to learn more about fractal landscapes. I like to think of it as a compensation for my aversion to real gardening! You, however, can use this program to amaze your friends and yourself. With a little bit of tinkering (and a lot of memory and compute time!) you will be able to create some very natural looking landscapes. Got some spare machine cycles? Put together a portfolio of some of the most beautiful places you’ve never been! This program is designed to be an easy-to-use, play and experiment kind of program. You don’t need to understand a lot about fractals or higher math in order to use the program. Just play with all of the features. Try changing the various parameters one at a time to see what each does. Most of them can only be set within constrained limits that keep the program from crashing if not always producing desirable results. The main idea here is to feel around and try out different things!